Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Social Network

Lead actors: Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake, Armie Hammer, Max Minghella

Some liked the movie, some said the movie wasn’t very good and not worth watching…but how could I miss a movie on my favorite pastime?

I tried to watch the movie in the theatre…but that never happened as I could not get anyone to accompany me for it…and watching alone in the theatre – well, maybe I’ll have to start doing that soon. And as always, after a lot of planning to watch it on the big screen, I ended up watching it on the puny laptop screen (not even a TV screen :( ) 

Coming to the point now - the movie was fabulous. Bang on the point, no unnecessary scenes (at least not more than 5 mins of the total run time); the movie’s focus is ‘Perfect’.

The actors fit extremely well in the skins of the characters. I was apprehensive about Justin Timberlake starring in the movie – given his popularity, I thought his stardom would override the character he was playing, but was I wrong! Though I’m a fan of his, I was irritated by him at the end of the movie. When I look at a pic of him now, I’m bound to remember this character more than his hit numbers. It takes awesome talent to do that!
(While watching the movie, at one point, I remembered that I had a pic with Justin Timberlake at Madame Taussads and had put it on Facebook, and felt a sudden urge to delete it! I was embarrassed for a second for taking a pic with his wax replica!)
Hmm…before I create impressions about this character, this role wasn’t exactly bad, it is in fact significant and one of the roles which encourages Mark Zuckerberg (about whom the movie is actually about, but we’ll come to that later ;) ), it’s only a bit irritating.

Though the movie is about Mark Zuckerberg, he is not the central point in the movie, at least I did not feel so…no one character dominates, it is the plot that dominates the movie, as it should be…as it is in reality.

No one is good or bad in the movie, all are grey characters - including Mark. Everyone seems to be right, and it is for law to decide who is right-er :P

Loved a dialogue in the movie where Mark says that people are interested to know more about their friends, would love to have all the info about their friends in one place and maybe discover unknown facets of known people (that wasn’t the exact dialogue, I screwed it up a bit).

Verdict: A must-watch whether you ‘Facebook’ or not (I wonder if anyone falls in that category)
Rating: 4/5

P. S. : There is one thing I did not like about the movie though; the girls are shown in poor light and do not have any significant role…was there absolutely no female contribution to FB? (not Erica Albright kinda contribution, maybe coding or something useful) Well, if that is how it happened in reality, I can’t help it, can I?
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