Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What Happens in Vegas

Lead Actors: Cameron Diaz, Ashton Kutcher
Director: Tom Vaughan

Joy (Cameron Diaz) stock-broker who’s recently had a breakup goes to Vegas to chill out with her best friend. Jack Fuller (Ashton Kutcher), a carpenter who’s been fired by his own father too lands up in Vegas with his friend at the same time.

They meet when they both are given the same room by mistake and end up partying together. The next morning, Joy wakes up to realize that she and Jack got married in their drunken stupor! Joy and Jack talk to each other and are relieved to find that neither of them wants to continue with the marriage and decide to annul it.

Just after their decision Jack uses Joy’s quarter in the slot machine and he wins a jackpot of 3,000,000! Joy then demands jack half the money as she is now his wife :D. They try to divorce but the judge, a person who finds such marriages and attitudes distasteful tells the couple to try to make their marriage work for six months, he threatens that else he wouldn’t let either of them get their hands on the jackpot money.

Joy then moves into Jack’s place and the rest of the story is about how they both try to outsmart, irritate, and even hurt the other to make them flee from the marriage/ jackpot. It isn’t tough to guess that they both finally fall in love with each other and ‘What Happens in Vegas’, stays long after Vegas too!

The movie is somewhat ok but does manage to elicit some laughs, esp. the scenes at the marriage counselor. In one scene, Jack’s friends hit him to portray to the counselor that he was abused by Joy; Jack appears with bruises and starts to whine about Joy when she coolly shows the counselor a video of the hitting – you should see the expression on Ashton Kutcher’s face (lol)

Verdict: A romantic comedy which is quite funny, but hardly romantic
My Rating: 2/5

1 comment:

  1. I watched this movie in TV in bits an pieces as I could not stand the full movie. It has lot of drama that is more common in Indian movies. Comedy was okay and mostly situational. I did not know that it is supposed to be romantic comedy. (I hardly believe with Cameron Diaz as cast it can rarely make up romantic. Sorry Cameron fans!!)


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